

The code of the maintenance



The Automobile Maintenance Industry always plays a publicly important role in the present motorized society. In consideration of such an important role, we are sure to fulfill the responsibility to both the customers and the society through the sound management of the enterprise, keeping the following creed and consciousness in mind.

1.  To examine the problems of the automobile service industry and this business circle from all viewpoints, decide their reasonable solutions,propose them to the government, the Diet and the competent authorities, and cooperate with them in the enforcement of administrative actions.

2.  To make the researches, investigations, and information collection necessary for the JASPA activities, and prepare and publish various statistics on the automobile service industry.

3.  To be consulted about the problems of automobile service and sale, and publish the contents of the car to be recalled (defective car).

4.  To endeavor for the safety of automobiles, prevent the environmental pollution by them and the safety of traffic from the standpoint of automobile service.

5.  To prepare the education and training programs and texts in order to promote the technical improvement of automobile service.

6.  To conduct the automobile service techniques qualification tests.

7.  To make guidance in proper transactions for service and sale of automobiles.

8.  To cooperate in the investigations researches and activities for rationalizing the distribution of automobiles and parts.

9.  To make efforts to obtain people's proper understanding of the automobile service industry and at the same time make the activities of public relations such as publication of organ, distribution of survey data, service techniques data, management guidance data, etc., collection and offer of the information related to the industry, etc.

10.  To endeavor to maintain a cooperative relation with the organizations concerned in foreign countries through dispatch and acceptance of the study and observation groups to inspect the automobile service industries abroad and home.

11.  To carry on the projects for welfare and benefit of the persons interested in the automobile service industry.


We establish the order and morals of the automobile maintenance industry in conformity with the code mentioned below, aiming to live up to the expectations of the customer and society and to promote the development of the industry and its social standing.

1.  We carry on business remembering our responsibility to preserve human life, wealth and environment through our efforts to assure the safety of automobiles and to prevent pollution.

2.  We incessantly develop our techniques and execute maintenance and inspection in conformity with the laws and rules concerned remembering the importance of our duty in the field of maintenance, overhaul and inspection.

3.  We never take part in any action, illegal, unfair or contrary to the public interest, remembering the social and public importance of the automobile maintenance industry.

4.  We eliminate any unfair or evil practice in our circle through fair competition, solidarity and cooperation.

5.  We serve all customers with faithfulness and carry on fair transactions at fair costs.

6.  In advertisements and publicity, we never make any unfair indication or expression nor any unfair inducement or invitation.

7.  We carry on fair transactions and enter into fair competition based on mutual respect and confidence.

8.  We establish sound and comfortable business conditions and carry on attractive business.