

Specified skills evaluation test

2024/07/09 14時 更新

Automobile repair and maintenance field specified skills evaluation test



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2024/07/09 14時 更新

1. 特定技能外国人を受け入れについて














2024/07/09 14時 更新

2. 試験の概要等(Specified skills evaluation test summary)

Automobile maintenance field specified skills evaluation test (i) summary
Automobile maintenance field specified skills evaluation test (ⅱ) summary



  1. 構造、機能及び取扱法に関する初等知識
  2. 点検、修理及び調整に関する初等知識
  3. 整備用の試験機、計量器及び工具の構造、機能及び取扱法に関する初等知識
  4. 材料及び燃料油脂の性質及び用法に関する初等知識
  1. 簡単な基本工作
  2. 分解、組立て、簡単な点検及び調整
  3. 簡単な修理
  4. 簡単な整備用の試験機、計量器及び工具の取扱い



  1. 構造、機能及び取扱法に関する一般知識
  2. 点検、修理、調整及び完成検査の方法
  3. 整備用の試験機、計量器及び工具の構造、機能及び取扱法に関する一般知識
  4. 材料及び燃料油脂の性質及び用法に関する一般知識
  5. 保安基準その他の自動車の整備に関する法規
  1. 基本工作
  2. 点検、分解、組立て、調整及び完成検査
  3. 一般的な修理
  4. 整備用の試験機、計量器及び工具の取扱い


  1. 出題形式は、真偽法(○×式)
  2. 問題数は30問、試験時間は60分
  1. 出題形式は、図等を用いた状況設定において
  2. 問題数は3課題で、複数の設問を設け、試験時間は20分

  1. 出題形式は、選択法(四択式)
  2. 問題数は40問、試験時間は80分
  1. 出題形式は、図等を用いた状況設定において
  2. 問題数は3課題で、複数の設問を設け、試験時間は30分




(4)試験問題(Test questions)
🔳特定技能1号評価試験 Specified skills evaluation test (i)

 ①学科試験問題の例(Example of the Theory test questions)

 ②実技試験問題の例(Example of the Practical test questions)

🔳特定技能2号評価試験 Specified skills evaluation test (ⅱ)

 ①学科試験問題の例(Example of the Theory test questions)   解答(Theory test-Answer)

 ②実技試験問題の例(Example of the Practical test questions)


3. 合否の通知方法(Notification method of the test results)


 The ID number of those who pass the test will be announced on the JASPA website within 30 days after the test.
 Certificate is issued upon the request of the accepting organization which the applicant enters into employment contract with.

2024/07/09 14時 更新

4. 受験料等について


 (1)受験料 フィリピン:1,700PHP  ベトナム:710,000VND

 (2)合格証明書交付手数料 16,000円(税込)


 (1)受験料 日本:4,800円(税込)

 (2)合格証明書交付手数料 16,000円(税込)


2024/07/09 14時 更新

2024/10/7 9時公開

6. 受験の申込みについて(Application for the test)

詳細な試験案内と試験予約はこちらから ↓↓↓
You can choose 12 languages including English in the Test Application Site.
Click here for details and application

Please contact PROMETRIC for any inquiries regarding exam reservations, changes to your registration information, etc.

🔳特定技能1号評価試験  Specified skills evaluation test (i)

🔳特定技能2号評価試験  Specified_skills_evaluation_test_(ⅱ)


【Important information for foreigners taking the Automobile maintenance field specified skills evaluation test (ⅱ) 】
For the Automobile maintenance field specified skills evaluation test (ⅱ) , you must take both the Theory and Practical tests at the same time (on the same day) and pass both.
Those who have completed the 外国人技能養成講習(がいこくじんぎのうようせいこうしゅう)are exempt from the Practical test, but as of October 7th, this course has not yet been held.
Therefore, when you take the test, the question "あなたは、実技試験(じつぎしけん)の免除対象者(めんじょたいしょうしゃ)ですか" will appear on the screen at the start of the Practical test. Be sure to select "いいえ".
*If you have not completed the 外国人技能養成講習 and only take the Theory test, the test will be invalid regardless of whether you pass or fail.
Please note that the test fee cannot be refunded.





7. 試験結果(About the test results)

2025.02.10 9:00公開(試験合格者の公表)

🔳特定技能1号評価試験  Specified skills evaluation test (i)

フィリピン(The Philippines)

2024.4~2025.3(Apr. 2024 – Mar. 2025)
◆2024/04 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2024.05.13 
◆2024/05 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2024.05.23 
◆2024/05 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2024.06.10 
◆2024/06 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2024.06.25 
◆2024/06 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2024.07.08 
◆2024/07 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2024.07.23 
◆2024/07 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2024.08.08 
◆2024/08 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2024.09.09 
◆2024/09 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2024.09.25 
◆2024/09 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2024.10.07 
◆2024/10 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2024.10.23 
◆2024/10 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2024.11.11 
◆2024/11 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2024.11.25 
◆2024/11 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2024.12.09 
◆2024/12 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2024.12.23 
◆2024/12 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2025.01.10 
◆2025/01 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2025.01.23 
◆2025/01 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2025.02.10 

2019.12~2020.3(Dec. 2019 – Mar. 2020)
◆2019/12 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2019.12.25 
◆2020/01 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2020.02.05 
◆2020/02 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2020.02.14 
◆2020/03 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2020.03.26 
2020.11~2021.3(Nov. 2020 – Mar. 2021)
◆2020/11 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2020.11.16 
◆2020/12 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2020.12.18 
◆2021/02 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2021.03.05 
◆2021/03 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2021.03.19 
◆2021/03 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2021.03.26 
2021.5~2022.3(May. 2021 – Mar. 2022)
◆2021/05 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2021.05.21 
◆2021/06 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2021.06.21 
◆2021/06 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2021.07.07 
◆2021/07 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2021.07.21 
◆2021/07 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2021.08.06 
◆2021/09 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2021.09.22 
◆2021/10 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2021.10.21 
◆2021/11 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2021.11.22 
◆2021/11 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2021.12.07 
◆2021/12 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2022.01.07 
◆2022/02 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2022.03.07 
◆2022/03 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2022.03.18 
◆2022/03 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2022.03.23 
2022.4~2023.3(Apr. 2022 – Mar. 2023)
◆2022/04 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2022.05.10 
◆2022/05 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2022.05.20 
◆2022/05 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2022.06.08 
◆2022/06 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2022.06.22 
◆2022/07 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2022.07.22 
◆2022/07 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2022.08.08 
◆2022/08 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2022.08.22 
◆2022/08 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2022.09.07 
◆2022/09 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2022.09.22 
◆2022/09 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2022.10.06 
◆2022/10 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2022.10.21 
◆2022/10 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2022.11.10 
◆2022/11 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2022.11.22 
◆2022/11 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2022.12.07 
◆2022/12 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2022.12.21 
◆2022/12 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2023.01.12 
◆2023/01 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2023.01.23 
◆2023/03 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2023.03.23 
2023.4~2024.3(Apr. 2023 – Mar. 2024)
◆2023/04 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2023.05.11 
◆2023/05 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2023.05.22 
◆2023/05 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2023.06.09 
◆2023/06 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2023.06.22 
◆2023/06 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2023.07.11 
◆2023/07 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2023.07.24 
◆2023/07 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2023.08.09 
◆2023/08 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2023.08.22 
◆2023/08 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2023.09.08 
◆2023/09 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2023.09.22 
◆2023/09 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2023.10.06 
◆2023/10 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2023.10.20 
◆2023/10 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2023.11.09 
◆2023/11 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2023.11.22 
◆2023/11 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2023.12.08 
◆2023/12 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2023.12.22 
◆2023/12 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2024.01.10 
◆2024/01 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2024.01.22 
◆2024/01 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2024.02.08 
◆2024/02 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2024.02.22 
◆2024/02 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2024.03.08 
◆2024/03 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2024.03.22 



2024.4~2025.3(Apr. 2024 – Mar. 2025)
◆2024/04 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2024.05.13 
◆2024/05 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2024.05.23 
◆2024/05 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2024.06.10 
◆2024/06 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2024.06.25 
◆2024/06 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2024.07.08 
◆2024/07 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2024.07.23 
◆2024/07 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2024.08.08 
◆2024/08 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2024.08.23 
◆2024/08 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2024.09.09 
◆2024/09 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2024.09.25 
◆2024/09 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2024.10.07 
◆2024/10 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2024.10.23 
◆2024/10 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2024.11.11 
◆2024/11 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2024.11.25 
◆2024/11 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2024.12.09 
◆2024/12 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2024.12.23 
◆2024/12 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2025.01.10 
◆2025/01 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2025.01.23 
◆2025/01 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2025.02.10 

2020.4~2021.3(Apr. 2020 – Mar. 2021)
◆2020/10 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2020.10.16 
◆2020/10 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2020.11.06 
◆2020/11 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2020.11.16 
◆2020/11 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2020.11.30 
◆2020/12 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2020.12.18 
◆2020/12 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2021.01.08 
◆2021/01 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2021.01.20 
◆2021/01 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2021.02.05 
◆2021/02 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2021.02.19 
◆2021/02 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2021.03.05 
◆2021/03 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2021.03.19 
◆2021/03 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2021.03.26 
2021.4~2022.3(Apr. 2021 – Mar. 2022)
◆2021/04 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2021.04.21 
◆2021/04 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2021.05.11 
◆2021/05 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2021.05.21 
◆2021/05 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2021.06.08 
◆2021/06 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2021.06.21 
◆2021/06 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2021.07.07 
◆2021/07 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2021.07.21 
◆2021/07 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2021.08.06 
◆2021/08 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2021.08.23 
◆2021/08 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2021.09.06 
◆2021/09 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2021.09.22 
◆2021/09 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2021.10.06 
◆2021/10 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2021.10.21 
◆2021/10 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2021.11.05 
◆2021/11 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2021.11.22 
◆2021/11 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2021.12.07 
◆2021/12 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2021.12.22 
◆2021/12 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2022.01.07 
◆2022/01 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2022.01.20 
◆2022/01 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2022.02.07 
◆2022/02 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2022.02.21 
◆2022/02 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2022.03.07 
◆2022/03 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2022.03.18 
◆2022/03 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2022.03.23 
2022.4~2023.3(Apr. 2022 – Mar. 2023)
◆2022/04 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2022.04.21 
◆2022/04 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2022.05.10 
◆2022/05 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2022.05.20 
◆2022/05 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2022.06.08 
◆2022/06 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2022.06.22 
◆2022/06 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2022.07.07 
◆2022/07 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2022.07.22 
◆2022/07 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2022.08.08 
◆2022/08 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2022.08.22 
◆2022/08 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2022.09.07 
◆2022/09 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2022.09.22 
◆2022/09 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2022.10.06 
◆2022/10 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2022.10.21 
◆2022/10 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2022.11.10 
◆2022/11 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2022.11.22 
◆2022/11 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2022.12.07 
◆2022/12 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2022.12.21 
◆2022/12 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2023.01.12 
◆2023/01 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2023.01.23 
◆2023/01 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2023.02.07 
◆2023/02 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2023.02.22 
◆2023/02 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2023.03.07 
◆2023/03 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2023.03.23 
◆2023/03 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2023.03.29 
2023.4~2024.3(Apr. 2023 – Mar. 2024)
◆2023/04 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2023.05.11 
◆2023/05 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2023.05.22 
◆2023/05 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2023.06.09 
◆2023/06 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2023.06.22 
◆2023/06 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2023.07.11 
◆2023/07 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2023.07.24 
◆2023/07 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2023.08.09 
◆2023/08 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2023.08.22 
◆2023/08 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2023.09.08 
◆2023/09 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2023.09.22 
◆2023/09 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2023.10.06 
◆2023/10 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2023.10.20 
◆2023/10 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2023.11.09 
◆2023/11 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2023.11.22 
◆2023/11 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2023.12.08 
◆2023/12 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2023.12.22 
◆2023/12 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2024.01.10 
◆2024/01 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2024.01.22 
◆2024/01 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2024.02.08 
◆2024/02 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2024.02.22 
◆2024/02 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2024.03.08 
◆2024/03 試験合格者の公表(Announcement of the test results) 2024.03.22 



🔳特定技能2号評価試験 Specified skills evaluation test (ⅱ)



It will be announced within 30 days after the test.

*Inquiries regarding the contents of the exam, including questions and answers, will not be accepted.

2024/07/09 14時 更新

8. 試験合格証明書について(About the test certificate)


 If an employment contract has been concluded between the Successful Candidate and the Automobile Repair and Maintenance Company, a Certificate will be issued to the Successful Candidate through the Automobile Repair and Maintenance Company.
 The application for the issuance of a Certificate must be taken by the Automobile Repair and Maintenance Company. It is mandatory.














 1枚(1名様分) 16,000円



 ●合格証明書 振込代行フォーマット(Word)